There are many trains which are now available between two stations in the country. Several new trains are run every year by the railway ministry. All these trains have several classes like sleeper, 3rd AC and 2nd AC. Availability of seats in all these classes of train can now be checked online by sitting at home. All one needs is internet connection.
Using Online Services for Train Seat Availability
Train Seat Availability | Image Resource :
IRCTC is the official website of the Indian railways which is used for booking of seats in the trains. The IRCTC can also be used to check train seat availability in all the trains. One needs to enter following information like the station codes of the source station and the destination station and the date of journey. After this the list of trains appears along with the various classes available in it.
The IRCTC website can also be used by the user to book the tickets; the payment of the ticket can be made through either net banking option or by payment through debit and credit cards. IRCTC train availability can also be done for the Tatkal tickets. Tatkal tickets are open 24 hours in advance. The ticket price of Tatkal is more than the normal reservations.
Indian railways have also introduced many mobile apps also. The apps are available for windows, android and iPhone mobiles. Apart from this the mobile apps also provide information on the train timings, train schedules and train running status. These apps can be downloaded through the app stores of the mobile suing internet.